FOR ALL HARD-CORE-GAMERS: There is still a last secret for Nintendos Wii:
It will be 3-D-holoprojection of 3dh and nintendo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you would say now, oh... thats very old, there was this roumor a few month ago...
but.... i have some evidences, that this is right!
i am now searching in the web for the secret now 2 years, and first of all:
the most named secrets of users or so called "insiders" is the line between 3dh company and nintendo, when you are googling this names than there are plenty results.
but that alone won t be an evidence.
there is more. you have to read between the sentences.
i found following in the web: an article of ZFUZION about the 3dh holoprojection and you can read it here:
Let’s say it’s a projection environment, like the one we have here at our studio. The neat thing about 3dh’s system is that it will run on a regular desktop computer, and it can be projected by two regular off-the-shelf LCD projectors and displayed on a very industry-standard screen. So it makes the applicability of it and economics of it really work. You can also do it on a CRT, you can do on the web.
Does the user put on the glasses and then stand in front of the projection screen?
Stand or sit. Or you could be at a [computer] desktop environment. It’s most impressive obviously when it’s a theater environment—you can be in a theater and it really comes out at you—but yes, you put the glasses on and now you’re in. The Z in ZFUZION is really about the Z access, the forward and back access, and the imagery comes right off the screen.
Are users then interacting with the objects that they see?
It depends on what we’re designing. You certainly can interact to the degree that you can. For instance, you could drive around in a space. You could, if we were to combine the ZFUZION technique with the basic game engine with physics, you could probably pick things up, move them around, throw them at each other, whatever you wanted to do. So, yeah, again, the ZFUZION approach is simply a way of taking something that you would’ve normally done in a flat world and doing it in a 3D environment. So pretty much anything you could do on a screen, you could do in ZFUZION space. ....."
the link:
so what is a very big hint? - the sentence ."....technic with the basic game engine with physics...."
the basic game engine is the nintendo wii! no doubts!! why no doubts? you would say, it could be ps3 or x-box, too.... but in the text is also said, that it works with a contoler which can pick up things and throw them... and that could only do the wii-remote in 3 d space!!!!
so it would be the best solution with the wii!
and don t forget all hints by nintendo in the past:
"... you will say wow, when you see graphics!"
nintendo isn t lieing!
cause they want not only to have new gamers, they want all hard-core-players, too, cause that s a lot! ps2 sold over 100 mio consoles!
and sony and ms have good hd-graphics, but not a new graphic-style!
that is the important thing! you wil see the games in an new amazing way, the game is now just before you in the room! and nintendo will use it for films, too!
it will be a very very big new market of games and films, and everybody want to have it!
believe it or not.... i bet with you..... that will be happen!
but when?
i can only guess, i think maybe on chrismas, cause it s a good time to sell.
i can only hope, that nintendo will revealing it soon!!
-thanks to :
all people who are believing in nintendo (and 3dh!)
and specially to: benjamin m. glückstadt :)
( ha ha, du wirst sehen, ich habe recht! )
Dude, if you want to read between the lines, then you should first start to read what is right before your eyes! A 'Game Engine' is a software development environment like the 'Unreal Engine', not a games system! And there is no mention of a controller. The guy in the interview says, that "you could probably pick things up, move them around, throw them at each other...". It just says that there is some kind of interaction with the objects that you see. That´s it. Sorry to crash your dreams, dude! But why don´t you just go and enjoy Wii the way it is?
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