Here are the very last secrets of nintendo and its wii !
nintendo has left some amazing secrets for wii, believe it! it will hapen:
you ask now, why so late and not all at the release in nov. 2006.
the question is easy to answer. it s because they want to show all step by step. we have just seen the beginning. and what happens? the wii is home-console nr 1 in japan and usa! and that without having super-grafix. so what would happen, when the grafix become better, that you will say "wow" like iwata said......
but lets get in more details:
you should say, it s not possible for wii to show things as well as ps3 or x-box, but thats not true.
cause nintendo has found a way to show good grafix with low horse-power.
with micro-processor ( nan0 technology) and efficient energie. it runs with hollywood and broadway. it will have cube-mapping, which make the game much prettier and faster.
nintendo needed more time, ll see a lot.
and here are all periphials for wii from now to 2008:
- wii- microfon ( on the remote)
- web.cam for chat
-visor ( for the virtual world)
power-glove ( which make you more inside the game: you can feel hot, wet and cold sensations, emagin just to open a door, or to throw or pull things,it will be like in real live)
the best way is to combin. the visor with the glove. it wil be just like in real ife. you wil think you are there. it will be the best gaming-experience you have felt of all times!!!)
- new cannels like :
- cinema channel
- wii talk
and many more....
and games like metroid 3 or sadness ( http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=wii+sadness) will use this features!!!!!
thanks to: osoko tanaka, seriousgamer007, only-nintendorevolution.blogspot.com, and titus
for all the yars of entertaining!
ich hoffe du glaubst da nicht wirklich dran
graphics on Wii will be great.
Why? Wii is like two gamecubes stuck together.(as one game developers said)
That is not a PS3 nor an Xbox360 but it is more power than we have seen on gamecube,xbox1,ps2.
So it will still make us say Wow(when we see Wii's true graphics power) even though its not HD like Xbox360/PS3/PC.
But it won't be what you say here.
It can't be better than PS3. PS3/Xbox360 have HD power, Wii does not.
So Wii will have amazing graphics for such a tiny device, but it won't be HD.
There is no sterescopic 3d. There is no Nintendo ON(www.nintendoon.com). It is all fake.
Wii is exactly as it is in the box. Wii is underpowered compared to the other consoles, but the way you control games is innovative and graphics WILL WoW as well.
Amasing realistic-like graphics plus immersive innovative controls is what Wii is all about.
All the things you have here sebastian, I am afraid to tell you just like "seriousgamer007" and "osoko", this is all JUST NOT TRUE.
Why don't you all appreciate Wii for what IT IS. Stop trying to make it somthing else.
It been 3 years now(dnce 2004) and still these theories never stop? The Wii has been released WorldWide yet you people still believe there is somthig else?
That is madness! Madness!
I have followed everything for the three years, and now that the console has been released and I have seen what SuperMario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 will look like from previews,demos and videos I can say that I am happy of what Wii can do graphically, and it doesn't need any more than that!
Plus it has the Wii-mote to immerse you and so on so what else do you need from a games console?
Buck up sebastian the Wii is not going to have anything else dramatic.
What you see is what you get as it is NOW.
I see yo havn't posted for a while, Good
Maybe you get that the Wii isn't going tohave anything else and finally given up.
Osoko needs to do the same. This train ride is over.
Its been too many years now and the Wii still doesn't have all these things you people have claimed.
tsk. tsk. tsk.
Time to give it up and do somthing else folks.
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